Saturday, 21 September 2013

My (not so) Little Kitty Cat

Good morning all I hope you are having a superb weekend so far xxx

Today I would like to introduce you to my kitty cat and his name is Oliver. I think he is around 13 but don't quote me on that!! I've chosen two quite silly pictures of him but I think they just about sum him up haha xxx

My mom actually took the first one of him and it purely coincidence that he stuck his tongue out when she took it and I took the second one when I found him like that and thought he looked so silly that i had to capture it on camera. I love him to absolute pieces.

We got him when he was just a teeny weeny kitten and his mom supposedly abandoned him but it more than likely that she went hunting or something and he was an absolute mental kitten; we were so close to taking him back but luckily we didn't because he's so lovely!!!!

Do you have any pets? if so please link me to a picture or a blog post about them because I'm very nosey!!! :)

That's all for now talk to you soon,
Lots of love from Emily xxxxxx 


  1. KITTY!
    Yeah, it's pretty hard to give up pets once they're in your home. They're too qt and you can't help but cuddle with them 5ever.

    I've got a dog, and I've got a section devoted to her! >here

  2. What a lovely blog :). I love your socks and shoes in this blog post, it's just a cute look. I think everyone should own a pair of red shoes!
    Really liked your blog, so have followed :).


  3. Aw, hey Oliver, he's a cutie!! I love his markings. He looks really good for 13! Pretty boy. I have urm... 5 cats. I like this post because I like cats. Obviously...

    Emma x

    1. I wish I could have 5 cats!!! But my dad doesn't want any more :( I've decided though that I'll probably be a mad cat lady when I'm old and have my house full of cats haha xxx
      Emily xxxx
